Original Works Showcase

Are you a Playwright with a new script that you’re working on? Wondering if it’s ready to go into production?


Here you will get to explore your script with a group of Actors and a Director/Moderator with the goal of fine tuning the text without the pressures of a full production looming over you. Do the words sound right for each character now that you hear them actually spoken? Are some of them redundant & the moment better conveyed by Actor Action? Are your intentions & ideas clearly understandable to the Director & the Cast? Do you need more Stage Directions? Etc. Etc!

Any creative production team can only build upon the bedrock of the script they start with & this program is a wonderful opportunity for Playwrights, novice or seasoned, to fine tune their work before pressing “send” to the publisher!

Sound interesting? Why not reach out to us & start collaborating your way to the best script you’ve ever written? Let’s see what we can do! Theatre is, after all, a TEAM SPORT!


Imagine life was scripted and you found a page of that script. Imagine you are right now reading a synopsis for Within a PlayWithin a Play tells the tale of a group of actors putting on a play within a play, when they find a page of the script “Within a Play” and are forced to wrestle with the possibility that they are within a play.

Message from the Author/Director:

You are crazy to believe in your imagination. I saw a play with my wife and it gave me an idea for my own play. My wife and I talked about how love works, and I processed that conversation within this play, I gave it a structure and rabbit trails, I made jokes and I aspired to be profound. A silly idea that could have been a fleeting moment, after hours upon hours of work, became “Within a Play”.

You are insane to believe any idea will be the one that works. I’ve been crazy about this idea, this play, for years now, and I have spread my madness to others. This cast and crew signed on to what was then an unfinished play, to set-ups without pay-offs, to pay-offs without set-ups, to half characters, and monologues that were too long. They came on because they believed in what it could become, they helped me burn off the dross, and had the courage to be honest. We rewrote, re wrote the rewritten bitts, and re wrote the rewritten rewritten bits. Through it all, they trusted me, and I love them for it.

And now you join us too. The doors are opened for you to come in and see what all the fuss is about.

From the bottom of my heart

Thank you

David Busuttil


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Youth Company
Studio Shows
Original Shows and Films

Tickets are $10.00 each unless otherwise indicated. 

TO BUY TICKETS CALL 905-877-3422

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Georgetown Little Theatre Patrons



Diamond ($750 +)

Catken Productions

Platinum ($500 - $749)

David Borgal
Ken Thorn & Susan Tupling

Gold ($250 - $499)

Virginia Bancur
Douglas & Mary Lou Brock
J.E. Schaljo
Jones Funeral Home
Patricial McCarthy

Silver ($150 - $249)

2355539 Ontario Inc.
Brooks Heating & Air Inc.
Kay d’Entremont
Kathy Moulton
Georgetown Toyota
Patricia Waskalik

Bronze ($50 - $149)

Patricia Ball
Marlene Burnett
Vanessa Gray
Gillian Green
Halton Commercial Printers Ltd.
Douglas & Diane Penrice
Chris Robson
Mary Rose
Sherwood Printing & Signs
Rod & Ruth Taylor
Natalie Weed