GLT has a diverse library consisting of scripts and resource material as well as a vast collection of records dating back to the beginning of our Theatre group which started in 1960.

Library Collection

Our scripts and resource books are available to all members and operate on a “on your Honour’ basis. Any member is welcome to borrow materials as needed and, when finished with it, they can be returned to the Library “Return Shelf” located in the Studio office. We also have a small selection of digital scripts available but, in keeping with copyrights, can only be viewed online and will not be available for printing (except by our Librarian or designate).


The preservation of our history is important to our Board of Directors and Members alike. We have an extensive collection of photos and other records that showcases some of our work over the years. Our members have performed in a variety of plays and we are happy to have that captured in our archival files.

Our Librarian/Archivist, Lillian Borgal, is in the process of digitizing our archive collections. The original copies of photos, newspaper clippings, etc. are becoming brittle due to age. Digitizing will allow us to access and use the contents of our archives without compromising the condition of the originals any further.


Looking for a particular script or playwright? Have something to contribute to the archives or library?

Reach out to our Librarian Lillian (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ) or stop by the studio and peruse the shelves.

Georgetown Little Theatre Patrons



Diamond ($750 +)

Catken Productions

Platinum ($500 - $749)

David Borgal
Ken Thorn & Susan Tupling

Gold ($250 - $499)

Virginia Bancur
Douglas & Mary Lou Brock
J.E. Schaljo
Jones Funeral Home
Patricial McCarthy

Silver ($150 - $249)

2355539 Ontario Inc.
Brooks Heating & Air Inc.
Kay d’Entremont
Kathy Moulton
Georgetown Toyota
Patricia Waskalik

Bronze ($50 - $149)

Patricia Ball
Marlene Burnett
Vanessa Gray
Gillian Green
Halton Commercial Printers Ltd.
Douglas & Diane Penrice
Chris Robson
Mary Rose
Sherwood Printing & Signs
Rod & Ruth Taylor
Natalie Weed


Become a sponsor of arts in Halton Hills.

Patronage levels start with donation amounts of just $50, and all donations will be recognised with an official tax receipt.

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